Empowering Indonesia's Digital Future Through

Indonesia stands on the brink of a digital revolution, and T-Connext is leading the charge. As an integral part of Telkomsel, T-Connext's mission is to nurture the country's digital ecosystem, providing a platform for startups and venture capitals to connect, collaborate, and grow together.



To further support this endeavor, we are excited to announce the launch of the T-Connext website!


This platform serves as a digital hub designed to connect startups, entrepreneurs, enterprises, and innovation enthusiasts to Telkomsel’s digital ecosystem, which has the resources they need to succeed.  More than just a website; it's a gateway to opportunity and innovation.


Core offerings at T–Connext

T-Connext is built on four innovation pillars, each offering unique support and resources to Indonesia's digital community.



Early-stage startups can find a home in Tinc, which provides startup acceleration programs that foster innovation.


Telkomsel Ventures

Startups in need of funding can benefit from Telkomsel Ventures, an investment arm which fuels growth and scalability for the next generation of digital innovations.



Indico is a digital enabler company which further develops digital solutions to perform in use cases outside of the telco industry.



At NextDev, startups with social and environmental impacts for Indonesia are incubated, supported, and developed.


Opportunities for engagement

For businesses seeking synergy with Telkomsel’s vast portfolio, is the right place for you. We’re here for you and all your needs. Whether you're a startup seeking mentorship, a venture capitalist looking for investment opportunities, or a tech enthusiast eager to join a community, T-Connext offers endless possibilities to connect with Telkomsel’s digital ecosystem.


Join us in shaping Indonesia's digital future. Visit the T-Connext website today, and let's connect to the Telkomsel digital ecosystem and build opportunities together.


For more information, visit the T-Connext website and follow our journey on Instagram and LinkedIn.